In simple words, Frax is a fracture risk calculator that was developed by the Wolrd Health Organization in 2008. It is a patient’s 10-year probability of hip fracture and major osteoporotic fracture. Before this, the doctors could only estimate the fracture risk of 5 years

How is it calculated?

The Frax assessment involves the questions based on your:

  • Age, Smoking
  • Previous fractures, Parents fracture history
  • HeightSecondary osteoporosis, Alcohol use
  • Glucocorticoid use, Arthritis


  • First and the foremost thing is to eat a balanced diet regularly. A diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, calcium, and vitamins.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake. Excessive intake of alcohol leads to increases in the risk of falls and hip fracture. Smoking daily tends to lose bone more rapidly, resulting in lower bone mass of women.
  • Take therapeutic medications, the ones that are available in the market. But, do consult a doctor before taking them.
  • Being active and exercising daily will strengthen bones or slow the rate of bone loss that comes with ageing.
  • Eliminate environmental conditions that might lead to any kinds of accidents. Ample lighting, using nonskid rugs on floors, placing mats, grab bars in showers are some of the measures that can be taken to avoid accidents.


Sarcopenia, a condition wherein degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass (0.5–1% loss per year), quality, and strength associated with ageing. This mostly takes place after the age of 50 years. FIM (Functional Index Measure) is an 18-item of physical, psychological and social function. This tool helps to check the patient's disability level and also helps to detect the change in patient status in response to rehabilitation or medical intervention. All the technicians use FIM to assess and grade the functional status of people based on the level of assistance they require. Tasks evaluated using FIM are bowel and bladder control, transfers, locomotion, communication, social cognition and six other self-care activities.


Every parent is worried about their children's growth and adult height. Many of them start calculating the GDP or the prediction of children's height since the birth of their child. But, how can you scientifically check the bone growth and height of your child? The most accurate method for GDP or prediction of children's height is by using the child's 'bone age', which is determined by an X-ray. In addition to this, there are home methods such as 'Two years times two', 'Genetic potential height predictor' and 'Follow the curve'. While these methods are not 100% accurate but a fun method to predict your child's height.


When you measure your waist or the fat around the belly, you are actually measuring visceral fat. While a little visceral fat is normal, the excess amount can lead to serious health issues. It can lead to inflammation and high blood pressure, which increases the risk of serious health problems. You can measure visceral fat at home, by measuring your waist and hip and diving the waist by the hip measurement. The ideal and healthy visceral fat is less than 1.0 for men or 0.85 for women. If you don't get accurate results you can use a Tanita body composition monitor.


A usual femoral fracture is a fracture that involves femur and it turns into an atypical femur fracture because of the location and condition of the fracture. Atypical Femur Fracture takes place with the use of osteoporosis drugs that are antiresorptive drugs such as bisphosphonates. It can also take place due to regular life activities. During this, then the outer rim of the femur below the hip area starts weakening. It is a rare but a serious complication and the dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA) may prevent the development of complete fractures. If not treated early, the crack continues to grow and eventually the thigh bone breaks in two.